It's been a busy week for me here, I was busy working on several new designs (that I will be adding to the shop tomorrow), finishing up some projects for different events, and getting lots of love from some talented bloggers, Etsians, and online magazine creators. I am very excited about the projects that have come up because of the Pretty.Simple.Things features that popped up on the web this week.
First of all, I was contacted by Priscila Barros about featuring Pretty.Simple.Things in an upcoming issue of her online magazine. Priscila (a very busy mommy herself) is the owner of the amazing online shop called Little Miss Heirlooms, and the blogger behind, the gorgeous blog attached to the store (think Odeedoh with a more vintage vibe),
who is also the creator of Babiekins (an awesome online magazine for trendsetting kids).
Below are some images from the current issue of the magazine, it's full of beautiful art, fun photography, interviews with artists and designers, fashion for kids, and to-die-for toys and home decor. I'm so excited about the exclusive work I will be doing for an upcoming
issue, I'll post the link and images of the magazine when all is said and done, but I will tell you that I'm ridiculously excited about it, and have been incredibly inspired by what we are working


As if that weren't enough to make my week, my "Always Something To Do Notebook" was then featured on a wonderful, witty, site that I am so excited to have discovered as a result of the notebook being featured yesterday in her "If I Only Had" post. I had never come across a site or blog like Just one Week, it's a beautiful journal-esque site by a woman named Erin who's heartfelt writing about changing her day to day habits is full of humor, and hit's home in so many ways. Aside from perfectly examining the human psyche in her posts, Erin also has amazing taste, and features awesome products, blogs, and art, on the site. I'm excited to be part of her upcoming Giveaways, and will also post a link to that so you can enter to win as well.
Below is an excerpt from Erin's welcome message for the site, but the page that really sucked me in was her introduction page, I mean for me she hit the nail on the head.

I have a long, long list of habits I want to create and projects I want to complete (or start!). I feel guilty way too often about items stranded for years on my to-do list and about habits that never seem to stick. I am done feeling guilty. I need Just One Week.
And last, but not least, two of my items were featured in treasuries on Etsy today!
The black sewing machine notebook was included in this treasury
and my piggy card was included in this treasury!
It's been a great week, and it's week's like this which make it all worth it.
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